2024-2025 留學申請榜單

儘管 EA/ED 申請才剛截止,A.LEAGUE的孩子們已經收到了令人安心又振奮的大學錄取通知!恭喜學生們!

截至目前累計共獲得 NT 1 億 790 萬元獎學金(Merit-Based Scholarship) 以及 NT 454 萬元助學金(Financial Aid)和NT 3469 萬元研究生獎學金(Fellowship

2024-2025 Admissions

Class of 2029




Princeton​ University​ (#01)

普林斯頓大學 - 私立 - 錄取1名

(Computer Science / Fellowship $570,950)


Northwestern University​ (#06)

西北大學 - 私立 - ED 錄取2名

(School of Education & Social Policy, School of Engineering & Applied Science - Financial Aid Grant USD $60,945/Year)


Johns Hopkins University​ (#06)

約翰霍普金斯大學 - 私立 - 錄取1名

(Applied Economics, Financial Economics)


Duke University​ (#06)

杜克大學 - 私立 - 錄取1名

(Financial Technology)


University of Pennsylvania (#10)

常春藤 - 賓夕法尼亞大學 - 私立 - 含 ED 錄取共5名

(School of Engineering and Applied Science - Computer and Information Science*3 - Fellowship USD $223,150)

(Graduate School of Education*2 -  M.S.Ed. & Ed.D. Doctor of Education - Fellowship USD $5,000)


Cornell University (#11)

康乃爾大學 - 私立 - 錄取1名

(Operations Research and Information Engineering)


University of Chicago​ (#11)

芝加哥大學 - 私立 - 含 ED 共錄取4名

(The College*2, Finance, Digital Studies of Language, Culture, and History / Scholarships USD $12,000)


Columbia University​ (#13)

哥倫比亞大學 - 私立 - 錄取3名

(Computer Science, Operations Research, Financial Economics - Fellowship USD $257,496)


Vanderbilt University (#18)

范德堡大學 - 私立 - 錄取2名

(Finance*2 - Scholarships USD $10,000)


Rice University (#18)

萊斯大學 - 私立 - ED 錄取1名

(Wiess School of Natural Sciences - Financial Aid Grant USD $72,488/Year)


University of Michigan - Ann Arbor (#21)

密西根大學 - 公立 - EA 錄取1名

(Literature, Science, and the Arts)


Carnegie Mellon University (#21)

卡內基美隆大學 - 私立 - 錄取1名



Emory University (#24)

埃默里大學 - 私立 - ED 錄取2名

(Emory College & Oxford College)


University of Virginia​ (#24)

維吉尼亞大學 - 公立 - EA & ED 共錄取3名

(College of Arts & Sciences*3)


University of Southern California (#27)

南加州大學 - 私立 - EA 錄取6名

(Business Administration*2, Computer Science, Cognitive Sciences, Pharmacology and Drug Development, Health and Human Science / Scholarships USD $189,600)


University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill​ (#27)

北卡羅來納大學教堂山分校 - 公立 - EA 錄取1名



University of Florida​ (#30)

佛羅里達大學 - 公立 - EA 錄取3名

(College of Liberal Arts and Sciences*3)


University of Texas at Austin​​ (#30)

德州大學奧斯汀分校 - 公立 - EA 錄取5名

(Biology, Electrical & Computer Engineering, Kinesiology & Health: Physical Culture & Sports, Informatics, Unspecified Business)


New York University (#30)

紐約大學 - 私立 - 含 ED 錄取共12名

(Public Relations and Corporate Communication*2, Arts and Science*2, Financial Planning*2, Management and Analytics, Quantitative Finance, Liberal Studies Core, Tisch Center of Hospitality, Stern School of Business*2 - Scholarships USD $36,288)


University of Illinois - Urbana - Champaign (#33)

伊利諾大學厄巴納-香檳分校 - 公立 - EA 錄取25名

((Business Undeclared*7, Economics*2, Political Science*2, Information Sciences + Data Science*2, Aerospace Engineering, Agronomy, Architectural Studies, Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Engineering Undeclared, Food Science, Information Sciences, Mechanical Engineering, Undeclared)


University of Wisconsin-Madison (#39)

威斯康辛大學麥迪遜分校 - 公立 - EA 錄取10名

(College of Letters & Science*7, College of Agricultural & Life Sciences*2, Electrical Engineering, Biology)


Boston University (#41)

波士頓大學 - 私立 - ED 錄取1名



Rutgers University - New Brunswick (#41)

羅格斯大學 - 公立- 含EA共錄取15名

(School of Arts and Sciences*11, Rutgers Business School - New Brunswick*7, School of Environmental and Biological Sciences*3, School of Engineering - New Brunswick*2, Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy, Mason Gross School of the Arts)


Ohio State University​ (#41)

俄亥俄州立大學 - 公立 - 錄取32名

(Business Undeclared*6, Economics*3, Electrical Engineering*2, Computer and Information Science, Marketing, Agriculture, Chemistry, Molecular Genetics, Animal Sciences, Business Finance)


Purdue University (#46)

普渡大學 - 公立 - EA 錄取16名

(Accounting, Biology*2, Data Science*2, Biomedical Health, Biomedical Engineering, Chemistry, Cell, Molecular, and Developmental Biology, Robotics Engineering, Engineering, Communications, Marketing, Finance, Food Science)


University of Washington (#46)

華盛頓大學 - 公立- 錄取2名

(Foster School of Business, Computer Science & Engineering / Scholarships USD $217,416)


Texas A&M University (#51)

德克薩斯州A&M大學 - 公立- 錄取2名

(Economics, General Engineering)


Virginia Tech​ (#51)

維吉尼亞理工學院暨州立大學 - 公立- 錄取3名

(Architecture, Engineering, Physics)


Case Western Reserve University (#51)

凱斯西儲大學 - 私立 - EA 錄取9名

(Finance - Scholarships USD $272,000)


Northeastern University (#54)

東北大學 - 私立 - ED 錄取1名 & EA 錄取7名

(NU Immerse*4, Business Administration - Management Information Systems, Computer Science, Economics, NU in Program - Physics, Political Science)


University of Minnesota Twin Cities​ (#54)

明尼蘇達大學 - 公立 - 含 EA 共錄取8名

(College of Liberal Arts*6, College of Design, Chemistry)


Stony Brook University - SUNY (#58)

石溪大學 - 公立 - 含 EA 共錄取12名

(Communication*4, Computer Science, Data Science, Economics, AOI in Computer Engineering, Chemistry, Physics, Undeclared, Art History & Criticism / Scholarships USD $240,000)


University of California - Merced (#58)

加州大學美熹德分校 - 公立 - 錄取17名

(Management &Business Economics*4, Sociology*2, Economics*2, Psychology*2, Civil Engineering, Data Science and Analytics, Undeclared Social Science, Human, Art, Public Health, Communication and Media, Physics, Computer Science & Engineering)


University of Massachusetts - Amherst (#58)

馬薩諸塞大學阿默斯特分校 - 公立 - 錄取2名

(Hospitality and Tourism Management, Chemical Engineering / Scholarships USD $112,000)


Santa Clara University (#63)

聖塔克拉拉大學 - 私立 - EA 錄取2名

(Arts and Sciences, Civil Engineering)


Pennsylvania State University (#63)

賓夕法尼亞州立大學 - 公立 - EA 錄取31名

(Computer Science*4, Biology*3, Business Administration*2, Chemistry*2, Communication*2, Data Sciences2, Economics, Electrical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Agricultural Science, Hospitality Management, Landscape Architecture, Marketing, Nursing, Physics, Psychology)


Michigan State University (#63)

密西根州立大學 - 公立 - 含EA 錄取共33名

(Communication*4, Computer Science*3, Economics*3, Psychology*3, Chemistry*2, Prenursing*2, Animal Science*2, Business Undeclared, Studio Art, International Relations, Chemical Engineering, Film Studies, Statistics, Advertising Creative, Physics, Electrical Engineering, Hospitality Business, Arts and Humanities, Data Science, Agr & Nat Res - Exploratory, Exploring Business Preference / Scholarships USD $627,000)


University of Pittsburgh​ (#70)

匹茲堡大學 - 公立 -  錄取2名

(Physics, PharmD)


University of Connecticut (#70)

康涅狄格大學 - 公立 -  錄取9名

(College of Liberal Arts and Sciences*6, Business, Communication, Engineering / Scholarships USD $80,000)


Syracuse​ University (#73)

雪城大學 - 私立 -  錄取7名 

(Arts and Sciences, Architecture*2, Communication and Rhetorical Studies*2, Economics, Psychology / Scholarships USD $30,000)


Binghamton University - SUNY (#73)

賓漢頓大學 - 公立 -  錄取1名 

(Arts and Sciences)


Indiana University Bloomington (#73)

印第安那大學 - 公立 - EA 錄取19名

(Chemistry*2, Economics*3, Finance*3, Marketing*2, Media*3, Accounting, Business Exploratory, Data Science, Music Business, Interior Design / Scholarships USD $6,000)


University at Buffalo - SUNY (#76)

紐約州立大學水牛城分校 - 公立 -  錄取1名 

(Art History / Scholarships USD $60,000)


University of California - Riverside (#76)

加利福尼亞大學河濱分校 - 公立 -  錄取16名 

(Economics & Administrative Studies*4, Chemistry*2,Pre-Business*2, Psychology*2, Global and Community Health*2, Environmental Engineering, Statistics, Media and Cultural Studies, Theatre, Film, and Digital Production / Scholarships USD $168,000)


Pepperdine University​ (#80)

佩柏戴恩大學 - 私立 - EA 錄取3名

(Communication Studies, Liberal Arts for Education, Psychology)


University of California - Santa Cruz​​ (#84)

聖塔克魯茲加利福尼亞大學 - 私立 - 錄取11名

(Business Management Economics*3, Computer Science*2, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Biomolecular Engineering and Bioinformatics, Film and Digital Media, Global and Community Health, Proposed Physics, Proposed Chemistry)


Fordham University (#91)

福坦莫大學 - 私立 - EA 錄取1名

(College of Lincoln Center)


Baylor University (#91)

貝勒大學 - 私立 - 錄取1名

(Pre-Nursing / Scholarships USD $100,000)


Loyola Marymount University​ (#91)

羅耀拉瑪麗蒙特大學 - 私立 - EA 錄取1名



Rochester Institute of Technology​ (#91)

羅徹斯特理工學院 - 私立 - EA 錄取1名

(Applied Statistics and Data Analytics - Scholarships USD $108,000)


Florida International University​​​ (#98)

佛羅里達國際大學 - 公立 - EA 錄取1名

(Summer Admission)


University of Colorado - Boulder​​ (#98)

科羅拉多大學波德分校 - 公立 - 錄取1名



San Diego State University

聖地牙哥州立大學 - 公立 - 錄取2名

(Health Communication, Chemistry & Biochemistry)


Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences​

麻省藥科與健康科學大學 - 私立 - 錄取1名

(Premedical Health Studies - Scholarships USD $60,000)


Arizona State University

亞利桑那州立大學 - 公立 - 錄取3名

(Communication, Civil Engineering, Chemical Engineering #16)


University of South Carolina​

南卡羅來納大學 - 公立 - 錄取1名

(Chemical Engineering)


University of Hawaii at Manoa​

夏威夷大學瑪諾亞分校 - 公立 - 錄取1名

(Exploratory - Scholarships USD $65,088)





University of Oxford (UK #01)

牛津大學 - 公立 - 錄取1名



Imperial College London (UK #03)

倫敦帝國學院 - 公立 - 錄取1名

(Biological Sciences)


University College London​ (UK #04)

倫敦大學學院 - 公立 - 錄取4名

(Applied Medical Sciences, Biological Sciences, Sociology and Politics of Science, Linguistics)


University of Edinburgh (UK #05)

愛丁堡大學 - 公立 - 錄取4名

(Biological Sciences*2, History of Art, LLB Law 法學院 Unconditional Offer)


King's College London (UK #06)

倫敦國王學院 - 公立 - 錄取3名

(Chemistry, Economics, Neuroscience and Psychology)


University of Manchester (UK #08)

曼徹斯特大學 - 公立 - 錄取6名

(Economics and Data Analytics*2, Chemical Engineering, Linguistics, Management, Medical Biochemistry)


University of Bristol (UK #09)

布里斯托爾大學 - 公立 - 錄取1名

(Biomedical Sciences)


University of Birmingham (UK #12)

伯明翰大學 - 公立 - 錄取3名

(Business Management*2, Sport, Exercise, and Health Sciences)





University of Melbourne (AU #02)

墨爾本大學 - 公立 - 錄取1名

(Bachelor of Biomedicine)


University of Sydney (AU #03)

雪梨大學 - 公立 - 錄取3名

(Arts, Medical Science, Finance)





University of Toronto​​ (CA #01)

多倫多大學 - 公立 - 錄取20名

(Social Sciences*8, Life Sciences*7, Humanities*2, Mathematical and Physical Sciences*2, Architectural Studies / Scholarships CAD $455,000)


University of British Columbia​​ (CA #02)

英屬哥倫比亞大學 - 公立 - 錄取9名

(Bachelor of Science*4, Bachelor of Arts*3, International Economics, Natural Resources program)


McGill University​​ (CA #03)

麥基爾大學 - 公立 - 錄取1名

(Bachelor of Science)


University of Alberta (CA #04)

阿爾伯塔大學 - 公立 - 錄取1名

(Neuroscience, Psychology / Scholarships CAD $10,000)


McMaster University​ (CA #05)

麥克馬斯特大學 - 公立 - 錄取1名

(Humanities 1 - Scholarships CAD $26,000)


University of Calgary​ (CA #07)

卡爾加里大學 - 公立 - 錄取1名

(Honours Neuroscience)


University of Waterloo​ (CA #08)

滑鐵盧大學 - 公立 - 錄取2名

(Honours Social Development Studies, Honours Computer Engineering)


Western University  (CA #10)

西安大略大學 - 公立 - 錄取1名

(Medical Sciences)


Simon Fraser University  (CA #12)

西門菲莎大學 - 公立 - 錄取2名

(Bachelor of Arts*2)


York University (CA #16)

約克大學 - 公立 - 錄取1名

(Psychology - Scholarships CAD $10,000)




Parsons School of Design, The New School​  (US #01)

帕森設計學院 - 私立 - 錄取2名

(Interior Design, Fine Arts - Scholarships USD $324,000)


Pratt Institue  (US #04)

普拉特藝術學院 - 私立 - 含 EA 共錄取6名

(Architecture, Interior Design*2, Communication Design, Photography, Undecided - Scholarships USD $300,000)


School of the Art Institute of Chicago  (US #05)

芝加哥藝術學院 - 私立 - 含 EA 共錄取2名

(Studio*2 - Scholarships USD $80,000)


Art Center College of Design  (US #07)

藝術中心設計學院 - 私立 - 含 EA 共錄取2名

(Graphic Design, Spatial Experience Design)


School of Visual Arts  (US #09)

視覺藝術學院 - 私立 - 錄取1名

(Interior Design - Scholarships USD $64,000)


Savannah College of Art and Design  (US #15)

薩凡納藝術設計學院 - 私立 - 錄取2名

(Animation, Fine Arts - Scholarships USD $36,000)


California College of the Arts  (US #16)

加州藝術學院 - 私立 - EA 錄取1名

(Architecture - Scholarships USD $120,000)





Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HK #02)

香港科技大學 - 公立 - EA 錄取1名






Universidad CEU San Pablo

西班牙CEU 聖保羅大學 - 私立 - 錄取1名

(Medicine MD 醫學院, Biotechnology)


Francisco de Vitoria University​

西班牙維多利亞大學 - 私立 - 錄取1名

(Biotechnology plus Pharmacy 藥學系)





高中升學&申請大學輔導歡迎洽詢 A. League 教育顧問
