A. League 與國外學校合作 – 美國線上學程 Online School
Jun 08, 2020
A. League 與國外學校合作 – 美國線上學程 Online School
A. League都能夠幫助他們申請國外大學。
English Language and Composition, English Literature and Composition, Calculus AB,
Calculus BC, Statistics, Biology, Chemistry, Environmental Science, Macroeconomics, Microeconomics,
Psychology, US Government and Politics, World History, Art History, US History, Spanish Language and Culture
數學: Algebra 1&2, Calculus, Consumer Math, Geometry, Integrated Math, Refresher Math,
Pre-Algebra, Trigonometry, Pre-Calculus/Trigonometry, Probability and Statistics, Practical Math
文學: English, American Literature, British and World Literature, Jounalism,
Public Speaking, Grammar and Composition, World Literature, Creative Writing, Latin, Spanish, Chinese, French, German
科學: Physical Science, Earth Science, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Environmental Science,
Forensic Science, Anatomy and Physiology, Introduction to Agriscience, Veterinary Science, Health,
Lifetime Fitness, Nutrition and Wellness, Physical Education, Skills for Health
社會科學: American Government, American History, Civics, Economics, Contemporary World Issues,
Geography, Economics, Psychology, Sociology, US and Global Economics, US Government and Politics,
US History, World History, Geography and World Cultures
藝術: 2D Animation, 3D Modeling, Art Appreciation, Art and Music Appreciation,
Art in World Cultures, Fine Art, Music Appreciation
充足的規劃與準備。 教材與上課模式皆是從美國直接移植,
- 共同核心州立標準計畫CCSS (Common Core State Standards)
- 國際文憑大學預科課程IB (International Baccalaureate)
- 美國當地專業學校本身教學課綱
另外,若孩子在家裡或學校不方便專心上課,A. League有提供教室讓孩子可以在安靜的環境下參加線上課程。
高中在校輔導&申請大學輔導專案,歡迎洽詢 A. League 教育顧問
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Apr 21, 2020
這一屆A. LEAGUE有位學生順利錄取了英國伯明翰大學醫學院。
我相信「謝謝學生一起努力」這句話在A. LEAGUE 過去的文章裡並不陌生,
讓孩子順利錄取了University of Birmingham MBChB Medicine and Surgery (伯明翰大學醫學院醫學系)。
所以在分享這個好消息的同時,我們想感恩孩子與爸爸媽媽的付出,讓A. LEAGUE有幸參與這一段特別的時光!
高中在校輔導&申請大學輔導專案,歡迎洽詢 A. League 教育顧問
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Apr 20, 2020
高中在校輔導&申請大學輔導專案,歡迎洽詢 A. League 教育顧問
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申請英國留學的條件 - Unconditional 與 Conditional Offer 的差別
Apr 09, 2020
資訊等,都設這天為最後截止日 。
英國大學從每年九月開始接受學生的申請文件之後, 便會陸陸續續發放申請結果通知,
沒有統一放榜的日子, 即便是同一間學校同一個科系,大家收到信的時間也有可能不一樣,
學生收到的錄取信分成兩種,最常見的是conditional offer 有條件錄取,
另一種則是 unconditional offer 無條件錄取。
1. Conditional offer 條件式錄取
在畢業時能達到學校提出的要求,例如要有幾科多少分的A Level、IB 或AP、多少分的SAT,
2. Unconditional offer 無條件錄取
這是最令人安心的結果,因此,A. LEAGUE 致力於幫學生提高競爭力,向學校爭取無條件錄取。
或考試機構依照學生平時表現而定,所以很多收到conditional offer的學生和家長開始擔心:
高中在校輔導&申請大學輔導專案,歡迎洽詢 A. League 教育顧問
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2019-2020 College Acceptance
Apr 06, 2020
Total Scholarships USD $1,201,614
2019-2020 Undergraduate Admissions
Class of 2024
Columbia University (#3) *1
Stanford University (#6) *1
University of Pennsylvania (#6) *1
Duke University (#10) *2
University of Notre Dame (#15) *1
Cornell University (#17) *1
Emory University (#21) *2
ED *1,RD *1
University of Southern California (#22) *1
University of California - Berkeley (#22) *2
University of Michigan - Ann Arbor (#25) *9
Pharm.D. Degree *1
Scholarship US$15,000
New York University (#29) *3
Georgia Institue of Technology (#29) *1
University of Rochester (#29) *3
Scholarship US$11,000
University of Florida (#34) *1
University of California - Santa Barbara (#34) *14
University of California - Irvine (#36) *15
University of California - Davis (#39) *19
Scholarship US$53,000
University of California - San Diego (#37) *17
Boston University (#40) *14
ED *1,RD *13
Case Western Reserve University (#40) *2
Northeastern University (#40) *9
University of Wisconsin - Madison (#46) *8
University of Illinois - Urbana - Champaign (#48) *22
Electrical Engineering(US#4)*1,Computer Science(US#5)*1
University of Texas - Austin (#48) *10
Syracuse University (#54) *1
Santa Clara University (#54) *2
University of Miami (#57) *1
Pennsylvania State University - University Park (#57) *5
Purdue University - West Lafayette (#57) *19
Rutgers University - New Brunswick (#62) *3
Scholarship US$60,000
University of Washington (#62) *18
University of Connecticut (#63) *3
Scholarship US$60,000
University of Massachusetts - Amherst (#64) *1
Southern Methodist University (#64) *1
Scholarship US$80,000
Fordham University (#74) *2
Scholarship US$50,000
Indiana University - Bloomington (#79) *2
Baylor University (#79) *1
Scholarship US$40,000
University at Buffalo SUNY (#79) *1
Scholarship US$4,000
Binghamton University SUNY (#79) *1
University of California - Santa Cruz (#84) *11
Scholarship US$30,000 *1,Scholarship US$25,000 *4,Total Scholarships US$130,000
Michigan State University (#84) *11
Scholarship US$45,000 *1,Scholarship US$12,000 *1,Scholarship US$5,000 *7,
Total Scholarships US$92,000
Elon University (#84) *1
Scholarship US$12,000
Stony Brook University SUNY (#91) *1
University of California - Riverside (#91) *3
Scholarship US$54,000 *1,Scholarship US$18,000 *2,Total Scholarships US$90,000
Miami University - Oxford (#91) *1
Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Science *1
Scholarship US$60,000
University of Toronto (CA #1) *23
Rotman *1,Engineering *2
Scholarship CA$40,000 *1,Scholarship CA$7,500 *2,Scholarship CA$1,000 *2,Scholarship CA$500 *1,
Total Scholarships CA$57,500
University of British Columbia (CA #3) *5
Scholarship CA$25,000 *1,Scholarship CA$10,000 *2,Scholarship CA$45,000 *4
McMaster University (CA #5) *1
York University (CA #8) *2
University of Waterloo (CA #9) *1
Scholarship CA$2,000
University of Ottawa (CA #16) *1
Brock University (CA #29) *1
Ontario Tech Univeristy (CA #64) *1
University College of London (UK #4) *2
University of Edinburgh (UK #6) *2
Unconditional Offer *1
King's College London (UK #7) *3
Unconditional Offer *2,Conditional Offer *1
University of Manchester (UK #8) *2
University of Leeds (UK #14) *1
University of Birmingham (UK #19) *2
Medical School *1
University of Nottingham (UK #21) *1
Department of Pharmacy
Middlesex University (UK #53) *1
University of Plymouth (UK #53) *1
University of Central Lancashire (UK #67) *1
Medical School
Nanyang Technological University (Asia #3, World #8) *1
Electrical Engineering, Scholarship $57,800
University of Sydney (AU #3) 1
Ecole hoteliere de Lausanne (CH #1) *1
Les Roches - Crans-Montana (CH #2) *1
Scholarship CHF$75,400
Swiss Hotel Management School (CH #4) *1
Hotel Institute Montreux (CH #6) *1
Waseda University (JP #9) *1
University of Tsukuba (JP #11) *1
Scholarship JPY$48,000
Hosei University (JP #18) *1
Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University (JP #24) *1
Temple University Japan *1
Art School
Pratt Institute (US Art #7, World #5) *2
Scholarship US$64,000 *1,Scholarship US$60,000 *1,Total Scholarships US$124,000
University of the Arts London (UK Art #1, World #7) *1
Liberal Arts College
Middlebury College (#7) *1
Graduate Admissions
Stanford University - M.S. Computational and Mathematical Engineering (#6) *1
Rice University: M. Statistics (#17) *1
Northeastern University (D'Amore-McKim School of Business): M.S. International Business (#8) *1
Scholarship US$8,000
Boston University (Questrom School of Business): M.S. Management Studies (#25) *1
University of Illinois - Urbana - Champaign: M.S. Business Administration (#18) *1
Purdue University - West Lafayette (Krannert School of Management): M.S. Marketing (#21) *1
Scholarship US$30,000
George Washington University: M.S. International Business (#6) *1
George Washington University: M.S. Finance (#6) *1
Syracuse University (Whitman School of Management): M.S. Marketing (#53) *1
Syracuse University: M.S. Public Relations (#12) *1
University College London: MSc. Machine Learning (UK #3) *1
King's College London: MSc. Mathematics (UK #7) *1
Last updated:2020.08.25
A. LEAGUE High School Counseling & College Application Guidance
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美國留學前準備事項 – 錄取後才是真正的挑戰
Apr 06, 2020
1. 麻疹、腮腺炎、德國麻疹混合疫苗 measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR)
2. 水痘疫苗 varicella (chickenpox) (有患水痘歷史者免打)
3. B型肝炎疫苗hepatitis B
4. 減量破傷風白喉非細胞性百日咳混合疫苗 Tdap(大多要求最後一次接種日期需為入學前10年內)
5. 流行性腦脊隨膜炎疫苗 meningococcal meningitis(有很多種,大部分台灣醫院都有,
1. 大部分的大學校園內有多個宿舍,每一棟宿舍的房型會有些許差異。
2. 學生皆可在填寫宿舍志願時,選擇是否有想與已認識的朋友同住,
3. 選填自己想要的宿舍時,雖然還不會知道確切的上課教室,
1. 申請學生簽證的第一步驟是向學校取得 I-20,收到學校核發的 I-20後
可以上網繳交 SEVIS I-901 的移民局費用,然後到美國電子申請網站填寫 DS-160,
再到AIT預約面試網站列印 F-1 VISA 簽證費用繳款書,
至郵局劃撥繳費後隔天才能回到 AIT 網站登入預約面試。
2. 持有加拿大護照者不需要申請 F-1 VISA 學生簽證,
但仍然要持有I-20並完成SEVIS I-901繳費,才能搭配加拿大護照入境美國。
a) I-20本身沒有任何費用,但有的學校會要求國際學生自付國際快遞費,
學校會自動重發一份新的 I-20給學生。記得,I-20 上需要有
b) SEVIS I-901費用很貴 (2019年6月由US$200調漲為 US$350),
都可以申請 SEVIS ID移轉,不需要重新繳納。
c) F-1 VISA 簽證費用為 US$160,需以台幣繳費,匯率以 AIT 公告為準,
1. 校園內的新生訓練通常為期好幾天,有些學校的新生訓練是強制所有學生參加,
2. 對於強制參加的新生訓練,有些學校會自動把所有學生納入名單,
3. 有的學校只舉辦一場新生訓練,故要求學生統一準時報到;
1. 如果學生持有美國護照或綠卡,可以隨時自由出入境
2. 持有學生簽證者,只能於I-20上面的開學日期30天內入境美國。
3. 記得每次入境美國都需要隨身帶著 I-20 + 護照,
若無有效的 I-20,光有簽證是沒有用的。為了避免把 I-20留在台灣家裡、留在美國宿舍、
收在托運行李箱裡、或是弄丟了等各種情況,建議將 I-20掃瞄或拍照存於手機,
1. 美國的銀行基本上沒有什麼存款利率,反而會向存戶收取各種手續費,
2. 開戶需要帶著護照、簽證、I-20、第二證件 (要有英文名字的,例如學校發的學生證、
3. 通常銀行會同時開一個Savings Account 和一個Checking Account,前著是儲蓄存款帳戶,
可以用ATM進行存提款,刷金融簽帳卡Debit Card時也是從這個帳戶直接扣款。
4. 開戶完成時銀行會提供一張提款卡 Debit Card,提款卡具有簽帳刷卡功能,
Checking Account 內有多少存款,當下就能刷多少額度,所以Checking Account平常不要放太多錢,
5. 若想辦信用卡 Credit Card,大部分銀行會要求提供收入證明和
Social Security Number(社會安全號碼),因此若不是美國公民,
有的銀行已經取消國際學生 SSN的要求,只要有 I-20即可申辦,但是額度通常給得很低。
Credit Card 如果遇到盜刷,可以立刻跟銀行反應,要求止付。
6. 留學生常用的銀行:Chase Bank, Bank of America, American Bank, Wells Fargo,
Citi Bank(如果在台灣也有去開花旗帳戶,則可以使用全球速匯功能,跨國匯款免手續費,
1. 每一個電信公司有不同的方案,有一些會給學生優惠價,只要帶著大學的學生證和護照即可辦理。
2. 很多學生會與親戚朋友或同學一起共享 Family Plan,平均月租費會比較便宜。
3. 大學的wifi 通常很穩定而且遍佈各個角落,所以很多學生不會選擇網路吃到飽的方案。
1. 帶著護照、大學錄取信和大學行事曆前往移民署出入境管理局,在護照上蓋役男出境章才可以順利過海關出境。
2. 出國留學後,學期間放假第一次返台前,需要在美國當地的台北經濟文化辦事處取得在學證明認證,
高中在校輔導&申請大學輔導專案,歡迎洽詢 A. League 教育顧問
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Can you apply to universities without graduating from high school?
Mar 26, 2020
“I have never let my schooling interfere with my education.” ― Mark Twain
As Mark Twain said, we should not let formal education and standardized certificates become barriers to our desire for learning and growth.
Since the founding of A. League Study Abroad Consulting, we have upheld this belief every moment, helping every child who wants to learn by using all feasible methods and efforts to get them into college or back on the path of education.
The year 2020 was a turbulent one, but we hope the results of our hard work alongside our students can bring you hope and motivation! This year, we’d like to share a few special cases. These students came from different schools and educational systems but had one thing in common:
none of them graduated from high school.
Some students opted for homeschooling, others struggled with traditional systems, and some were unable to complete high school due to health issues. For various reasons, their decision to leave formal education wasn’t out of a lack of willingness to learn. However, when they wanted to return to the system, they found no pathway—let alone one that would allow them to study abroad or apply to top universities in Asia.
Many people say, "They can just go to community college!" But the reality is that most community colleges require a high school diploma. While grades on the transcript don’t need to be stellar, a graduation certificate is essential.
For students without this qualification, community college isn’t a viable option. That’s why we’ve guided them to forge a new path, one that had not yet been explored.
The first step is to help children understand that as long as they are determined to learn, we will do everything we can to help them achieve their goals. With confidence and a persistent desire to learn, they must seize any opportunity to return to education when it arises.
Next comes a series of preparations for higher education, including obtaining equivalent academic certifications and participating in standardized tests such as the SAT, AP, TOEFL, and IELTS, tailored to meet the specific requirements and preferences of various universities.
The final step is presenting their story. We work closely with the students to carefully craft their narratives, ensuring universities understand just how eager they are to join an open and dynamic learning environment.
It’s especially important to note that each student’s tone, vocabulary, and emotions in their story are unique. Therefore, guiding them to write authentically in their own voice is the only way to truly resonate with admissions officers. Ghostwriting is ineffective and not part of our practice—A. League does not compose essays on behalf of students.
While waiting for application results, students should make the most of their time by continuing to improve their language and academic skills. This preparation will ensure a smooth transition to college courses once admitted.
Every step of the way, each cohort of students is like unpolished jade. With careful nurturing, we can unlock their potential and turn them into outstanding college candidates.
This year is no exception. We are fortunate to share that our students, despite lacking high school diplomas, have successfully gained admission to prestigious U.S. universities.
These include renowned public schools such as the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (UIUC), the University of Washington (UW), and Purdue University.
So, don’t let any obstacle hold you back from continuing your education, and don’t be afraid of the journey to return to school.As long as you’re willing, we’ll walk with you every step of the way, helping you embark on the learning path you dream of.
You’ve got this!
High School Counseling & College Application Guidance Program
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Feb 12, 2020
例如我們就看過Counselor讓一位SAT考1570 (滿分1600) 的學生去申請美國63名的大學,而且還簽了Early Decision合約,相當於錄取了就一定要入學,再也不能考慮其他大學。這名學生在高中畢業後、大學開學前的暑假因緣際會下認識我們,跟我們聊說他其實最想讀的是另外一間27名的大學,只是沒有信心去申請,而Counselor當初沒有特別鼓勵他,所以將就申請了這間63名的學校,既然錄取了也只能去讀,日後再考慮轉學。在我們眼中,成績如此優異的學生,應該是可以挑戰前20名的大學的,只可惜孩子不清楚流程又無人細心輔佐,錯失良機。
高中在校輔導&申請大學輔導專案,歡迎洽詢 A. League 教育顧問
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Introduction to U.S. College Interviews: How to Stand Out Among Applicants
Aug 22, 2019
As the summer comes to a close, the college application process for the upcoming academic year is in full swing. Students must prepare their high school transcripts, SAT or ACT scores, extracurricular activities, personal statements, recommendation letters, and interviews — the six main components of a college application. Among these, the interview plays a critical role in helping schools stand out from a sea of similar application documents. It allows the institution to assess whether a student is a good fit for the school. For international students, the interview is also a key moment to evaluate their English proficiency.
Many Taiwanese students feel intimidated by college interviews, mistakenly believing that interviewers will present difficult, tricky questions designed to trip them up. Others think that the subjective nature of the interview means that their academic achievements and other qualifications are sufficient to secure acceptance. Some parents even argue that since interviews don't account for a large portion of the application score, there's no need to invest too much time or effort in preparation. However, no one can be certain of the specific requirements or weight given to interviews by each school. Therefore, we recommend that students take advantage of the opportunity to interview when it arises, as it can be a key factor in distinguishing them from other applicants with similar grades and qualifications.
Common Types of Interview Invitations
■ School-Specific Invitations
After reviewing applications, admissions committees send interview invitations to students they are particularly interested in. These interviews tend to be more in-depth, as the school has already reviewed the applicant's materials and may seek clarification or further insight into specific details.
■ Open Invitations for All Applicants
Less common, but some schools invite every applicant to interview. If you're eager to attend a specific school, we recommend seizing this opportunity to showcase your enthusiasm for the institution.
■ No Invitation for Interviews
As the number of applicants continues to rise globally, some schools have begun canceling interviews altogether.
■ Mandatory Interviews for All Applicants
Some institutions require interviews for all applicants. In such cases, the interview is often a significant factor in the overall application evaluation.
Admissions policies can change from year to year, so it's important to verify the latest information to determine whether an interview is required.
Purpose and Focus of U.S. College Interviews
U.S. college interviews generally assess a student's language skills and adaptability. The interview allows schools to learn more about a student's academic interests and career goals. Therefore, it is essential to review all application materials, such as your resume, recommendation letters, and essays, before the interview. Being able to express your passion for your chosen field of study, explain why you're excited about the school, and articulate why it is your top choice are critical factors for success in the interview.
In addition to self-presentation, researching the school and its programs is also vital preparation. The college application process is lengthy because schools aim to not only select outstanding students but also find individuals who will thrive in their unique environment.
Types of College Interviews
■ On-Campus In-Person Interviews
These are typically conducted by admissions officers, distinguished alumni, professors, or teaching assistants, and take place at the school.
■ Remote Interviews
For students who live far from the campus, some schools offer remote interviews via phone or video call. These can take several forms:
- Representative Interview: A specific professor within the department interviews the applicant.
- Panel Interview: Multiple professors interview the applicant, each asking different questions.
- Boss Interview: Often used for graduate school applications, where the applicant meets their future supervisor to discuss academic and research interests.
- Conference Interview: A controlled format designed to prevent cheating, where the interview is conducted via webcam.
■ Off-Site Interviews
Some U.S. colleges visit major cities in Asia for interviews. This can be convenient for Taiwanese students who wish to avoid traveling to the U.S. for their interview. However, keep in mind that interviewers may conduct multiple interviews each day, making it challenging to distinguish between candidates.
Interview Duration
Remote interviews typically last about 30 minutes.
In-person interviews generally last between 45 minutes and one hour.
Documents to Bring to the Interview
Before the interview, visit the school's website to understand its academic environment, campus culture, and course offerings. Prepare several responses to potential questions so you can be flexible during the interview. If the school reaches out to you directly, politely inquire about any documents you should bring. Even if they indicate that no documents are required, it's always a good idea to bring a few copies of your resume, extracurricular activities, awards, and other relevant materials.
Interview Pitfalls to Avoid:
Arriving late
Giving overly brief answers
Relying on notes or a script
Lacking familiarity with the school
Pretending to know things you don't
Mentioning interest in other schools
Avoid these mistakes to ensure you come across as prepared and respectful.
Common Interview Questions
■ "Tell us about yourself."
Provide a concise and impactful introduction, highlighting your academic background, personal qualities, and interests. Think about how you can leave a lasting impression in a short amount of time.
■ "Why do you want to apply to this school?"
This is your chance to show your enthusiasm for the school and demonstrate that you've done your research. Share why you believe you're a perfect fit and what you can contribute to the campus community.
■ "Do you have any questions for me?"
Avoid asking questions that can easily be answered through a quick search online. Thoughtful, well-researched questions show that you've seriously considered the school and that you're using the interview time wisely.
As an international student, don't be overly concerned about language barriers. Being able to communicate in multiple languages is a valuable skill, demonstrating your ability to adapt to new environments, your independence, and your strong language abilities. Additionally, you may have unique experiences to share that set you apart from other applicants. Ultimately, no matter the type of interview, confidence is key. Show your maturity, self-assurance, and readiness to succeed at a U.S. college!
Contact Us for High School Counseling & College Application Guidance
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Introduction to the Academic Calendar Systems of U.S. Universities: Semester, Quarter, Trimester, 4-1-4 or 4-4-1 Systems
Aug 20, 2019
In the United States, universities adopt various academic calendar systems. Understanding these systems is crucial as they affect the calculation of graduation credits, teaching methods, and vacation periods. The four main types of academic systems are the Semester, Quarter, Trimester, and 4-1-4 or 4-4-1 systems. The flexibility of these options allows students to select the academic calendar that best fits their needs and learning goals.
1. Common System: Semester
The semester system is similar to Taiwan’s academic calendar, with two primary semesters: Fall Semester and Spring Semester, each lasting approximately 15 weeks.
Academic Timeline:
Fall Semester: Begins in August and ends in December.
Spring Semester: Begins in January and ends in May.
Summer Session: Students can choose to take summer courses lasting 6–8 weeks.
Credit Calculation:
Credits are measured as Semester Credits. One semester credit equals one hour of weekly class time (1 Semester Credit = 1 Semester Hour). Typically, a course involves three hours of class per week, earning students three credits. To graduate from a semester-based school, students generally need 120–128 semester credits.
Exam Schedule:
Midterms: Fall Semester: Mid-October | Spring Semester: Mid-March
Final Exams: Fall Semester: Mid-December | Spring Semester: Mid-May
Familiar Structure - The semester system is similar to Taiwan’s, helping students adapt quickly to the rhythm of college life.
Internship Opportunities - With over three months of summer vacation, students can utilize this time to secure internships and gain experience. Many summer internships start recruiting in April or May, giving semester-system students an advantage in entering the workforce early. Employers often prefer semester-system students as they can take on substantial responsibilities during internships.
Student-Professor Interaction - The longer duration of each semester allows ample time for students to interact with professors, fostering collaboration and rapport.
Traditional Approach - While the semester system has been in use since the 19th century, some experts argue it may be too slow-paced and less efficient in today’s diverse educational landscape.
Reluctance to Try New Courses - The long duration of semesters may lead students to become overly comfortable, potentially missing opportunities to explore or expand their interests through courses at other universities.
Universities Using the Semester System:
Brown University, Duke University, Columbia University, Pomona College, New York University, Rice University, University of Southern California, and others.
2. Common System: Quarter System
The quarter system divides the academic year into four terms: Fall, Winter, Spring, and Summer, with each term lasting approximately 10–12 weeks (Summer terms are 8–10 weeks). The pace is highly intensive. International students attending schools with the quarter system must enroll in at least three consecutive quarters per year to maintain their student status, with the Summer quarter considered a regular term.
Academic Timeline:
Fall Quarter: Begins in September and ends in December.
Winter Quarter: Begins in January and ends in March.
Spring Quarter: Begins in April and ends in June.
Summer Quarter: Begins in June and ends in August.
The exact duration of each quarter may vary by school. Some departments may not offer new courses every quarter.
Credit Calculation:
In the quarter system, 1 Quarter Credit = 1 Quarter Hour, with one hour of weekly class time equivalent to one credit. Students typically take 14–18 quarter credits per term and need 180–192 quarter credits to graduate.
Exam Schedule:
Each quarter includes:
Midterm Exams: Approximately one month into the term.
Final Exams: About a month after the midterms.
Flexible Enrollment - The quarter system offers flexible entry points. While most students apply for Fall admission after the summer break, schools may also allow enrollment in other quarters, providing additional options when choosing universities.
Rich Course Options - The condensed teaching format allows students to take more courses over the entire college program compared to the semester system. For example, students in the quarter system typically take 3–4 courses per term, whereas semester students take 4–5 courses. Over four years, quarter-system students may experience 6+ additional courses. This is particularly advantageous for students pursuing double majors or minors.
Flexible Scheduling - If students dislike a course or professor, they only need to endure the class for about 10 weeks. Similarly, if their GPA falls behind, frequent opportunities to take new courses allow students to catch up.
• Academic Pressure - Due to the shorter duration of each term, students face frequent assessments, including quizzes, midterms, and finals, all within a 10-week span. This demands immediate adaptation and consistent effort throughout the quarter.
• Internship Opportunities - With shorter breaks, students in the quarter system are at a disadvantage in securing internships. They often have to start later and may need to leave earlier than semester-based students.
Universities Using the Quarter System:
University of California (excluding UC Berkeley and UC Merced), University of Chicago, Stanford University, Northwestern University, Dartmouth College, University of Oregon, University of Washington, and others.
3. Trimester System:
The less common Trimester System divides the academic year into three equal parts, with each term lasting four months.
Academic Timeline:
First Term (Fall Semester): Begins in September and ends in December.
Second Term (Winter Semester): Begins in January and ends in April.
Third Term (Spring-Summer Semester): Begins in late April and ends in August. This term is further divided into two smaller terms:
Spring Term: April to June.
Summer Term: June to August.
Credit Calculation:
Credits are calculated based on the semester system. Trimester credits are equivalent to semester credits. For conversion purposes:
Quarter Credits × 2/3 = Semester Credits.
However, courses taken under the Tri-Semester system are directly treated as semester credits without further conversion.
Universities using this system typically require international students to enroll in at least the Fall and Winter semesters annually, while the Spring-Summer term is optional.
Exam Schedule:
Each four-month term includes two major exams:
Midterm Exams
Final Exams
Credit Flexibility - Students may earn up to 7.5 credits annually. If they fall behind, they can make up credits in the following term rather than waiting for the next academic year.
Focused Learning - The condensed format allows students to concentrate on the essentials of the course material.
Flexible Graduation Dates - Students can graduate at the end of the Fall or Winter semester, which is particularly convenient for those needing only a few credits to complete their degree. This system also offers opportunities for early graduation.
Academic Pressure - Similar to the quarter system, the shorter term length compresses the academic schedule. Exams and assignments occur at frequent intervals, requiring consistent effort throughout the term.
Scheduling Conflicts - This is considered the most significant drawback of the trimester system. The unconventional term schedule may interfere with summer internships, study abroad programs, or family vacations.
Universities Using the Trimester System:
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Carleton College, Lawrence University
While the trimester system is less common in the United States, it is more widely used in Europe, New Zealand, and Australia.
4. 4-1-4 System or 4-4-1 System
This academic calendar divides the year into three phases, including two four-month semesters and a one-month mini-term. The mini-term can take place either between the two semesters (4-1-4) or after both semesters are completed (4-4-1).
Academic Timeline:
4-1-4 System:
Fall Semester: Starts in September and ends in December.
Mini-Term: Starts in January and ends in February.
Spring Semester: Starts in February and ends in May.
4-4-1 System:
Similar to the 4-1-4 system, with a Fall Semester (September–December), Spring Semester (January–April), and a Summer Mini-Term (May–June), also known as the Maymester or May Term.
Exam Schedule:
Midterm Exams:
Fall: October
Spring: March
Final Exams
Fall: December
Spring: May
Universities Using the 4-1-4 System:
Williams College, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Johns Hopkins University, University of Maryland
Universities Using the 4-4-1 System:
Bates University, Ohio State University
Mini-Term Opportunities:
During the one-month mini-term, many universities offer students opportunities for study abroad programs or off-campus internships, allowing them to make the most of their time.
Key Considerations:
Each academic system has its pros and cons. Whether you're preparing to apply or already studying at a U.S. university, it's crucial to understand the academic calendar of your school. This knowledge can help you plan each term effectively.
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